Display absence quotas in ESS by creating time-type to combine several quotas in one line

8 months ago 32

Hi All,

In my institution we person respective lack quota types successful our SAP PT arsenic below:

  1. Vacation Quota
  2. Saved Vacation Quota-1
  3. Saved Vacation Quota-2
  4. Saved Vacation Quota-3
  5. Saved Vacation Quota-4
  6. Saved Vacation Quota-6

I request to show lack quotas successful ESS, but we are facing an contented of however tin we show the quota #1 successful 1 enactment and harvester the different quotas to beryllium displayed successful ESS successful 1 different enactment noting that the enactment of combined quotas should show the summation of quotas’ days.

Can you delight usher maine however tin we tin make the clip benignant and steps to harvester the supra mentioned quotas to beryllium displayed

Thank you!

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