I’m moving with UI5 Tooling and request to customize the PlanningCalendar power to usage wrong an Angular application. Specifically, I privation to:
- Add other headers/columns to the table.
- Implement expandable rows wrong the table.
Is it imaginable to marque these customizations using UI5 Tooling, oregon is it constricted to modifying basal UI elements specified arsenic buttons? I person reviewed the API notation but person not recovered a wide attack to execute these changes.
If these customizations are feasible:
- Can they beryllium implemented utilizing UI5 Tooling, oregon would different attack (such arsenic the UI5 SDK) beryllium much appropriate?
- Should I widen the power oregon make a customized 1 for this functionality?
- Are determination immoderate applicable examples oregon documentation available?
If these options are not suitable, I’d admit suggestions connected different methods to execute this.
Thank you for your help!