Customizing PlanningCalendar: Adding Headers & Expandable Rows

1 month ago 5


I’m moving with UI5 Tooling and request to customize the PlanningCalendar power to usage wrong an Angular application. Specifically, I privation to:

  1. Add other headers/columns to the table.
  2. Implement expandable rows wrong the table.

Is it imaginable to marque these customizations using UI5 Tooling, oregon is it constricted to modifying basal UI elements specified arsenic buttons? I person reviewed the API notation but person not recovered a wide attack to execute these changes.

If these customizations are feasible:

  • Can they beryllium implemented utilizing UI5 Tooling, oregon would different attack (such arsenic the UI5 SDK) beryllium much appropriate?
  • Should I widen the power oregon make a customized 1 for this functionality?
  • Are determination immoderate applicable examples oregon documentation available?

If these options are not suitable, I’d admit suggestions connected different methods to execute this.

Thank you for your help!

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