Credit management related issues - update group change didn't exclude the previous value

3 months ago 15

3MRMB is acceptable arsenic Credit Exposure Total for customer  850001 portion the unfastened SO/delivery/invoices are included. But the idiosyncratic wants to exclude the unfastened SO. So we changed the update radical from 000012 to 000015, which should fulfill it. However, we recovered determination are 2 issues identified.

1. Even the update radical was acceptable to 000015, the erstwhile unfastened SO created earlier the alteration volition inactive inhabit the recognition vulnerability total, tin we wide the unfastened SO worth from the calculation aft we changed the update group? Please notation to the archetypal two  pictures.

2.While lawsuit tried to merchandise the blocked outbound transportation successful the "manage documented recognition decision", aft clicked "release" button, the papers was auto-rejected and showed immoderate errors.  wherefore did it happen? Is it due to the fact that that we changed the update group? How to debar aforesaid mistake successful the future. Please notation to the past 3 pictures.

Thanks truthful overmuch for the help.

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