Creation of Pick-Up Freight Orders per Container for several Containers simultaneously

2 months ago 3

Dear Community,

I person a question regarding the instauration of pick-up freight orders for containers of an water freight booking.

Briefly astir the wide conditions: An Advanced TM (Embedded) is utilized and the merchandise is SAP S/4HANA 2023 FPS 2.

In an water freight booking, you person the enactment of selecting 1 oregon much instrumentality units oregon containers successful the “Items” tab and past creating a corresponding freight bid via Create --> Pick-up Freight Order.


If respective containers are selected, they are each combined into 1 pick-up freight order. However, I would request 1 pick-up freight bid per container. So you would person to prime each instrumentality individually and make 1 specified order. If determination are lone a fewer containers successful an water freight booking, this is besides a viable option.

However, I americium faced with the situation that an water freight booking often contains galore containers. The solution described supra is truthful not businesslike for this scenario.

So my penchant would beryllium to prime each containers and make 1 pick-up freight bid for each of them astatine the aforesaid time. I person already researched this implicit a longer play of clip and successful assorted ways, but unluckily I person not yet recovered a sensible mode to representation this.

I truthful anticipation that idiosyncratic present has an thought of however to grip this scenario. It feels similar this should not beryllium a peculiar lawsuit for which determination is nary solution successful the modular system, but unluckily I person not yet recovered one.

Thank you precise overmuch for your support!

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