Copy ACTUALSQTYPRIORYEAR values are shifted by 10 weeks

2 weeks ago 2


You are connected 1 of the touchy fields successful IBP. 62, 52, 12, 53, etc erstwhile it comes to timeshift.

You person 2 options for execute timeshift

1- Using IBP_PERIODSHIFT allows shifting successful the fig of periods of the basal level of the keyf itself. In your lawsuit techweek hence nary accidental as  10 techweeks are often < 10 weeks. Either you determine for an empirical 11 tech weeks cheque that successful mean successful outlook you could fig retired 10 calweeks subordinate astir of the clip to 11 techweek. THis is my preferred arsenic this is supported with a precise elemental formula

2- You acceptable an property translation (ATTTRF), which I americium opposed due to the fact that of attraction and complexity, to displacement the value. THere successful SAPIBP1 erstwhile mentation it was done similar you explicate with 62 connected techweek plevel, arsenic successful mean 1 twelvemonth = 62 techweek. Not immoderate amended to enactment 1 successful information and overmuch much complex. However whitethorn beryllium with ATTTRF yu could effort the transfo connected the CALWEEK level, possibly this works but I person superior doubts and personally I would not put 10 minutes even

Then Option 3, that is not realtime unfortunately. Use Copy relation to displacement by 10 calweek. Not definite again you tin specify CALWEEK whereas the keyf is TECHWEEK

Then Option 4. Discussing with SAP improvement past year, they volition soon suggest an alternate for ATTRTRF based connected a look I suggested alternatively of the existent complexity. Here possibly determination would beryllium immoderate goodies. Don't cognize yet.

Cheers, Daniel

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