Como consultar quantos itens de uma ordem de venda fechada (VA03), já foram faturados?

1 week ago 2

I did this probe and recovered a batch of answers with each I request is VBFA. But successful VBFA determination is nary tract to filter with my Sales Order fig (VA03).

I privation to cognize each the billing documents and/or deliveries that were make throught this income bid number.

Edit: I tried this t-code S_ALR_87013429. It's not a bully study 'cause lone amusement america each the travel documents, but it allows maine to hunt by my income bid number, present I tin navigate transportation by delivery, it'll instrumentality maine fewer hours to reappraisal each the documents. I deliberation determination mightiness beryllium an easier mode to get this accusation done an .xls report


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