CJ88/CJ8G-Controlling the amount of money to be settled

1 week ago 4

Hello Experts.
Please fto maine cognize if it is imaginable to power the magnitude to beryllium settled erstwhile implementing WBS colony successful CJ88/CJ8G.
Customers execute outgo connected SAP for bid slips and WBS linked from outer systems.
When linking, I person a day that I privation the bid magnitude to beryllium posted to the customer's acquisition bid day connected the bid slip.
(Customer bid day is BSTDK successful VBKD)

In the pursuing pattern, is it imaginable to marque the magnitude of bid A, but not B, the taxable of settlement?
The lawsuit wants to settee the bid for the magnitude of bid A aft implementing the B voucher update.
Register bid gaffe with August arsenic the lawsuit bid day (A)
Order amount:$100,000,000

Change the bid gaffe with the client's bid day successful October (B)
Order amount:$200,000,000

WBS Settlement to beryllium implemented done September.
I privation to settee the bid for $100,000,000.


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