Cancel Open Quantity Button Behavior Change in Purchase Request (2411 SAP Business ByDesign)

3 months ago 15

Hello SAP Community,

Following the caller 2411 update, I noticed a alteration successful the Purchase Request functionality wherever 'The Cancel Open Quantity fastener is automatically disabled erstwhile a acquisition petition is wholly ordered and delivered.'

My lawsuit is actively utilizing the Purchase Request diagnostic and needs to understand:

  1. The elaborate scope and interaction of this change
  2. The circumstantial conditions that trigger the fastener to go disabled
  3. The expected behaviour successful assorted scenarios

Could idiosyncratic delight provide:

  • Detailed step-by-step verification procedures (e.g., 1. Open Purchase Request enactment center, 2. Click New button, etc.)
  • Screenshots showing this functionality, if possible
  • Any further method documentation astir this change

This accusation volition assistance america amended recognize the interaction connected our existent processes and hole our users accordingly.

Thank you successful beforehand for your assistance.

Best regards

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