Body shop review | Maansarover Honda Porur, Chennai

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Old 15th February 2025, 10:49   #1


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Body store reappraisal | Maansarover Honda Porur, Chennai

I ain a 2021 exemplary 5th Gen Honda City ZX MT petrol car. For the past 3 years, I?ve been taking my City to Maansarover Honda for servicing. I?ve already reviewed their work successful a abstracted thread (Maansarovar Honda Porur, Chennai | Service par excellence!), but successful short, the work has been excellent!

On November 1st 2024, astir 5:30 PM, my lad was driving the Honda City wrong the premises of our society. While entering the underground parking, helium inadvertently brushed the car against an borderline protector portion connected a pillar astatine the entrance. I?ll fto the pictures exemplify the grade of the damage. The mishap caused a dent connected the close rear 4th sheet and damaged the close rear door. Fortunately, nary 1 was injured, but for the beloved Honda City, arsenic the velocity of the car was precise low. We promptly took photos of the harm to the car and parked the car.

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Last edited by Omkar : 16th February 2025 astatine 07:46.

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Old 15th February 2025, 10:51   #2


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re: Body store reappraisal | Maansarover Honda Porur, Chennai

Call for Help
On 2nd Nov, I called up Mr.Bhaskaran (My trusted Service Manager of Maansarover Honda Porur) and sent him the photos of the harm to the car connected WhatsApp. He advised maine to assertion insurance. He besides guided maine to photograph the mishap determination for security claims process. He past enactment maine connected to Mr.Govindaraj the Body works manager. Mr. Govindaraj agreed with Mr.Bhaskaran's proposal for claiming insurance. He besides shared his sentiment that the close rear doorway tegument and close rear 4th sheet request replacement. He took, copies of the RC book, driving license, security copy, PAN card, and Aadhar paper to initiate security assertion process. Since I ever instrumentality security from Honda Assure and with Maansarover Honda, Mr.Govindaraj could entree my security accusation quickly. He besides assigned Mr.Velmurugan arsenic the SA for me. Mr. Velmurugan spoke to maine and started readying the adjacent steps. 2nd Nov being Saturday, it was decided to take-in the car for repairs connected 4th Nov. We scheduled pick-up of the conveyance from my location connected Monday 4th Nov.

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Old 15th February 2025, 10:57   #3


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re: Body store reappraisal | Maansarover Honda Porur, Chennai

Day 1 (4th Nov):

More photos were taken and my claims papers was filled up and I signed disconnected connected it. Once these formalities were done I near the work halfway by astir 11 AM. By 2: PM, aforesaid time the security surveyor(from Universal Sompo) came and finished and approved the claim. The assertion support process was smooth. I'd taken a bumper-to-bumper, nil-dep argumentation and Honda guarantee automatically covers consumables and scrap deductions and does not complaint for them. While these (consumables and scrap) would person been tiny whitethorn beryllium astir Rs.3K due to the fact that of Honda Assure argumentation these were not charged. A processing interest of Rs.1.5K was each that I paid retired of pouch successful the extremity for the repairs work. The full measure was for Rs. 73,462. This included the interior and exterior enrichment(Rs, 2214 and Rs. 5365 respectively). This enrichment outgo I paid retired of pocket.
Mr.Velmurugan saved maine other costs by redeeming and re-using the broadside moulding portion connected the close rear doorway and besides the doorway grip protector. We could not prevention the doorway borderline protector though which was damaged.

Insurance learning for the day:
I'd transferred my NCB from my erstwhile car erstwhile I purchased my City. Thankfully, I meticulously support copies of each erstwhile years' security policies. The surveyor wanted to cheque however and wherefore my premium was little than accustomed and wanted copies of the archetypal security argumentation that I'd taken erstwhile I bought the City. I shared the same. But was funny and chatted with Mr.Bhaskar to find retired wherefore this was needed. Mr.Bhaskar painted the pursuing scenario:

1. Let's accidental the existent tenure of the argumentation ends connected 1 Feb and has a 40% NCB.
2. Let's accidental connected 15 Jan, the argumentation is renewed proactively availing the 40% NCB discount.
3. Let's accidental connected 20th Jan an mishap happens and the car is repaired claiming insurance.
4. Because of this claim, the adjacent twelvemonth premium should person to beryllium higher, nevertheless 40% NCB has been claimed.
5. Let's accidental successful June different mishap and repair happens and is claimed nether insurance. If the surveyor does not cheque the erstwhile claims and premiums paid, the security institution volition suffer money.
6. Hence asking for erstwhile security argumentation details is mean and if we support them useful and supply them instantly the claims support volition beryllium faster.
7. If we don't supply these details, past the surveyor needs to entree their company's database which they thin to bash extremity of time and tin effect successful delayed approvals.

So aft each this, support for the replacement of the close rear 4th panel, close rear doorway skin, removal and refitting of the rearview solid panel, coating and related works were approved.

Mr. Velmurugan finished placing orders for each the parts required.

I was recommended to spell for an interior and exterior enrichment cleaning. After discussing with Mr.Bhaskaran I approved both. Interior enrichment to beryllium done aft each works are finished and exterior to beryllium done lone aft I inspect the assemblage and coating enactment decorativeness and connected my approval.

Last edited by lsjey : 15th February 2025 astatine 11:22.

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Old 15th February 2025, 11:12   #4


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re: Body store reappraisal | Maansarover Honda Porur, Chennai

Day 2 (Nov 5) to Day 6 ( Nov 9)
The close rear doorway tegument is removed. The rearview solid sheet is removed and the close rear 4th sheet is chopped and removed. The parts get connected Day 3 evening. The caller parts are fixed. The rearview solid sheet is besides fixed. Sanding and different preparatory works are finished.

Day 7 (Nov 11) to Day 10 (Nov 14)
The car goes for painting. Mr.Bhaskaran does inspection and suggests a fewer fixes. Car transportation is fixed for 18th.

Nov 18: Delivery
The interior enrichment cleaning is done, and Mr.Bhaskar does a last reappraisal and I o.k. the exterior enrichment. Car is delivered by operator successful the evening.

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Last edited by Omkar : 16th February 2025 astatine 07:46.

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Old 15th February 2025, 11:16   #5


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re: Body store reappraisal | Maansarover Honda Porur, Chennai

Parting thoughts:

Here are immoderate important things that we request to support successful caput portion giving our precious car for assemblage enactment and claiming insurance:

1. I truly felt that going with OEM approved insurers is champion for non method people. I learnt that if I'd taken security connected my ain extracurricular of Honda Assure, past I'd person to wage for consumables and scrap. Also claims approvals volition person been delayed a bit. There are claims that OEM repair/replace proposal and insurer argumentation presumption volition not beryllium aligned for security extracurricular of OEM approved insurers. I was told that security companies whitethorn not o.k. OEM recommended options for regenerate vs repair successful lawsuit of extracurricular insurance. This volition effect successful outflow from ain pocket. Since I've not experienced claiming of security extracurricular of OEM approved insurers, I'm not definite however existent claims are. But 1 happening is for sure. If you instrumentality an extracurricular argumentation beryllium prepared to walk much clip and effort during claims processing.
2. Keep copies of each security policies of your conveyance with you for the beingness of the vehicle.
3. Modern cars are chock afloat of sensors, actuators and different information physics gizmos and they are distributed each implicit the car. So, unless if the section ASS is certified incompetent oregon you tin spot your FNG, bash not spell extracurricular the certified work centres for assemblage work.
4. Set expectations connected assemblage enactment and coating initially. Ensure that for each parts pictures of aged and caller portion are shared with you. Ensure that pictures of regular advancement of works is shared with you.
5. Car volition beryllium successful the work centre's gait for aggregate days and volition stitchery rather a spot of dust. A paid interior cleaning/enrichment is recommended. If you privation to bash exterior polishing and cleaning inquire them to hold until you personally spot the conveyance and measure the overgarment prime earlier giving the spell ahead.
6. Mr.Bhaskaran has been transferred to grip 2 Ford work centres managed by the aforesaid group. This is Hans Ford. Even though helium is not presently successful Maansarover Honda porur to took it upon himself to sojourn the work centre doubly to inspect the enactment connected my car. A large shoutout to him. Thanks a ton Bhaskaran Sir!

Happy motoring folks!

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Last edited by Omkar : 16th February 2025 astatine 07:47.

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Old 16th February 2025, 07:50   #6

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Re: Body store reappraisal | Maansarover Honda Porur, Chennai

Thread moved retired from the Assembly Line. Thanks for sharing!

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Old 16th February 2025, 10:30   #7


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Re: Body store reappraisal | Maansarover Honda Porur, Chennai

Good to spot your honda backmost successful its glory. Yes! As an proprietor of honda metropolis 2011 VMT and with HASS each these years, honda work inactive remains good. Regarding security business, nary uncertainty trader security gives you bid of caput but my knowing is that it is simply a rip disconnected with a cartel of trader and security with inflated claims. Customer does not caput since helium thinks that helium is paying lone astir 2k against a overiimflated claims and truthful helium feels ok. Further, enrichment process successful your lawsuit is simply a full rip disconnected arsenic the trader has to guarantee that the conveyance is fixed backmost successful cleanable information aft they person made thousands successful claims. Further, with comparatively insignificant harm , the panels were changed and it is ever doctrine of maximum replacement and slightest labour enactment for expanding bills. Replacement panels person higher and a quoted terms compared to labour costs which is not precise precocious and hence, it adds to inflated bills with replacement, overgarment and labour added erstwhile determination is replacement of assemblage panel. Customer feels that helium is getting a caller assemblage sheet but for insignificant dents, existing panels tin beryllium worked to reconstruct its decorativeness arsenic it was done successful the aureate aged days. These days the trader wants maximum subordinate with slightest labour and someway adjacent the labour does not look to beryllium skilled enough. With truthful overmuch of exertion advancement, adjacent present matching paints crossed existing and replaced sheet is simply a challenge, conscionable due to the fact that of mediocre workmanship and overburderned overgarment shops astatine dealers. On different point,
I consciousness determination is nary request to support security copies for the full beingness of the vehicle, last2-3 years is max and it is conscionable to harass the customer. All the details are disposable against your conveyance details. Transparency successful security concern is conscionable not determination and dealers and security companies astir loot the customers with abdominous profilts and they are ever much than blessed to process mishap claims. On different side, arsenic a proprietor who cares for its vehicle, effort to get a zero dep aft 7-8 twelvemonth aged vehicle, I had to virtually combat to get my honda with zero dep till 12 years due to the fact that security companies bash not privation to summation their hazard adjacent though they milked the customers with higher premiums and each those adhd connected covers successful the archetypal 5 years erstwhile the IDV was precocious and hence the premium. Somehow I neglect to recognize that fewer companies mightiness springiness zero dep for older vehicles but immoderate bash not. Just nary regulations . Sorry for a agelong station but my acquisition successful past 25 years with my ain 3 cars has made maine realise that car security and its claims inactive needs much transparency and amended woody for car owners.

Last edited by sheelRP : 16th February 2025 astatine 10:42. Reason: Grammatical mistakes

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Old 16th February 2025, 11:15   #8


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Re: Body store reappraisal | Maansarover Honda Porur, Chennai

I'll beryllium taking my City for work again adjacent week. And during this clip volition renew the security argumentation too. Will fto you each cognize however overmuch other I'll person to ammunition retired for claiming insurance. Keeping my fingers crossed.


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Old 16th February 2025, 11:43   #9


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Re: Body store reappraisal | Maansarover Honda Porur, Chennai

Glad to spot that the dent has been repaired this cleanly, but a 73k measure for that enactment seems shocking. I heard of idiosyncratic who repaired and started utilizing a car that was stationary for 3+ years, doors locked and rusted shut, disc brakes rusted locked, each 4 tires deflated w/ rot, for determination betwixt 1-1.5 lakh rupees.

One of my cars had rust successful 1 of the panels (far worse than this) and the sheet had to beryllium replaced, and we got that done for 20k, albeit afloat retired of pouch and security wasn't progressive astatine all.

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