We privation to usage SOAP API Batch Inbound Integration:
for creating caller batches and updating existing batches.
Not wide to america is the usage of constituent ChangeOrdinalNumberValue. We noticed that mounting a vlaue for this tract is required since SAP different rejects/ignores this petition (see screenshot).
Therefore we acceptable ChangeOrdinalNumberValue to 1, arsenic effect the batch were created.
For updates we request to acceptable a greater ChangeOrdinalNumberValue different requests get ignored arsenic well.
Our archetypal thought was to work the existent ChangeOrdinalNumberValue of an existing batch by utilizing ODATA API "Batch Master Record" (similar to eTag Handling for OData APIs) and to summation this fig by 1:
Unfortunately this API doesn"t supply ChangeOrdinalNumberValue successful it"s response.
Our existent thought is to person the existent timestamp to an unix timestamp an usage this arsenic the ChangeOrdinalNumberValue truthful that we person ever a greater ChangeOrdinalNumberValue for much caller requests.
What is champion practices for ChangeOrdinalNumberValue oregon however did SAP foreseen ChangeOrdinalNumberValue handling with an outer system?
Thanks and champion regards