BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA error requiried field

4 months ago 16

Hello, there.

I'm utilizing the BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA to alteration immoderate materials. (Just privation to alteration a unsocial tract MARC-MFRGR).

The occupation is the BAPI returns an error:

"The tract MARC-MTVFP/BAPI_MARC-AVAILCHECK is defined arsenic a required field; it does not incorporate an entry"

Strange things:

- The worldly is modified correctly contempt the error.

- The worldly doesn't person created the presumption wherever this tract (MARC-MTVFP) is located. 

If I spell to MM02 and alteration the worldly it's ok, nary mistake is showed. If I make the presumption wherever the tract is located past I spot the mistake successful MM02. 

Why the bapi is returning an mistake connection asking for a required tract successful a presumption that doesnt beryllium successful the material?

The codification I'm utilizing is prety simple: 

  ls_headdata-material p_ls_datos-matnr.

  ls_plantdata-plant      p_ls_datos-werks.
  ls_plantdata-matfrgtgrp p_ls_datos-mfrgr.

  ls_plantdatax-plant      p_ls_datos-werks.
  ls_plantdatax-matfrgtgrp abap_true.

      headdata       ls_headdata
      plantdata      ls_plantdata
      plantdatax     ls_plantdatax
      return         ls_return
      returnmessages lt_returnmessages.

Thanks successful advance.

PS: We are using SAP ECC 6.0

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