Ask Without Hesitation

8 months ago 84

:hello: Ask Without Hesitation

A chick was sad. Its mother bird asked, "Why are you sad?"

The chick said, “I am too shy to ask anything from others.”

“Unnecessary shame will make your life miserable,” warned the mother.

The chick heard it and said, “It's easy to say just a motto. It is difficult to show it.

Hearing this, the mother bird took her chick and flew away. As it flew along the shore of the lake, it landed near the water. A ripple in the lake dissolved the residue into the water.
The mother bird called the lake and said, “I want my remains. "Give it to me." “It just melted into me. It cannot be returned. I will give you a fish in the lake instead,” said the lake.

The mother bird took the fish and flew away. It was hidden in front of a house for a while. After some time the people of the house took the fish and knocked on the door and asked, “Where is my fish? I want it." "We ate it with gravy. Instead, we give quality rope made by ourselves.

The mother and cub took the rope and flew away. On the way they saw a man standing anxiously by the well. The rope is stuck in his well. “You cannot pump water without a rope. "If there is no water, the ceremony to be held in my house will not take place," he lamented. "What will you give me if I give you a rope?" asked the mother.

“I will give you one step of the rare seed rice that I have. People think it is extinct. But it is not destroyed. I have some seeds,” he said. The mother and cub came to the field carrying seed paddy.
There the king of the country was monitoring the agriculture. He is very interested in agriculture. The mother and the cub disappeared after placing seed paddy near him. When he came back, there was no paddy. The mother asked the king, “Where is my rare seed paddy?”

The king was startled and said, “I don't know who owns that rare type of seed paddy. I have told it to be cultivated. Is it yours? Instead, I will do whatever you ask." The mother bird asked for the right to sit on the king's throne for an hour and rule. The king also made it rule for an hour.

After gaining power, the mother bird issued a royal decree, "From now on, the king must provide the food required for our bird species." The baby bird who was watching all this was surprised.

It praised and praised the performance of Amma, who started from a helpless remnant and took over the power of ruling the country and provided food for them.

The mother bird said, “We don't want this food. I will tell the king. I have done this to make you understand.

Even from nothing, the ability to listen without hesitation can create much. Shy creatures cannot live well in this world.

Ask the world what you need without shyness. They like to give and not give. "Don't assume that they won't give without asking.”

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